Wow! How time flies when you don't have a computer at home. The only time I get to update my blog is either at work or at my mom's. Yes, I know...a 30 year old woman who doesn't own her own computer, YIKES! I am still in the process of trying to steal from the rich so I can afford my poor a$$ ways. For the most part though, things are starting to get on track.
For many years of my life I haven't really known what I wanted to do. But I have found sanity in raising my girls and in knitting. And just for poops and grins I enjoy torturing my ex (aka:my babies daddy) . It makes for great stories later. Anyway, I just needed to update my blog since I have been such a bad blogger ( I am sorry).
Work life has been slammed. But, hey, it makes the time fly. Then after work I usually meet my girls over at our local watering hole (grandma drops them off) and I let them swim. That's usually where I get most of my knitting done. Then it's time to go home and do my daily chores... dinner, clean up, showers, laundry, feed dog, water dog, and other daily/weekly odds and ends.
On the knitting front I now have my Summer Sock Pals yarn picked out and a pattern too. Once I get my Trek Along Socks finished up, which I'm on the instep of sock #2, I'll get started on my SSP sock. Then I'll get back to my Rogue again. I had to practically force myself to set it aside to finish my Trek Along Socks. I made a promise to myself to keep my fingers off of it until my SSP's sock is complete and sent out in the mail. Which just makes me work even harder at getting things done in a timely fashion. Well, that's all for now. Pics to come later. C-ya!